Antiquarian Books
New and antiquarian books on Islamic Art and Architecture
Here you find a selection of titles, manily specialist literature, on Islamic Art and Architecture, Ancient Orient, Christian Orient, Byzance and related topics, in addition to specialist journals, e.g. the reknown journal ORIENS.
In case of interest in any specific title please contact us by email, we will send you a quotation.
Monographs and Offprints (order by author)
- Arik, M. Olus, "Alanya Kalesi, 1987 Yili Kazi Calismalari," X. Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantasi, Band IIT.C. Kültür Bakanligi: Ankara,1988., 421-435.
- Arik, Rüchan, "Türk Kültürüne Yönelik Arkeolojik Arastirmalar ve Kubadabad Kiz Kalesi," Remzi Oguz Arik Armagani, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Fakültesi: Ankara,1987, 71-98.
- Baer, Eva, "Ornament versus Emblem: the case of combatant animals," Bamberger Symposium: Rezeption in der islamischen Kunst vom 26.6.-28.6.1992, 1998 ?? 13-18.
- Baer, Eva, "Female Images in Early Islam," Damaszener Mitteilungen, 1999,.Bell, G[ertrude] L[owthian], Durch die Wüsten und Kulturstätten Syriens - , Leipzig: Spamer, 1907/ 1912.
- Erdmann, Kurt, "Bibliography of the Writings of Ernst Kühnel compiled by Kurt Erdmann in Honour of his Seventieth Birthday, October 26, 1952," Ars Orientalis, 1954, 195-213.