Assuming palestine is required, the following 31 results were found.
of the PLO chief Y. Arafat, to whose underground rooms (bunkers) it has direct access. The museum describes the history of Palestine from a Palestinian perspective and is (understandably) not neutral, but very informative.
Archive Katharina Otto-Dorn Near East
The archive includes images from Syria, Palestine / Israel, Jordan and Iraq from the 1950s and 1960s. The focus is on Islamic architecture. In the future black and white photos of two "Syria trips" undertaken in 1951 and 1952 together with Alfons Maria...
From Doha to Berlin 2016 Part 1
from, the eastern one via Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey to Europe or the western one via Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel/Palestine and from there by ship to Italy. The selected itinerary ran from Qatar via Saudi Arabia, Jordan to Israel/Palestine (stay 15...
From Doha to Berlin 2016 Part 2
from, the eastern one via Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey to Europe or the western one via Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel/Palestine and from there by ship to Italy. The selected itinerary ran from Qatar via Saudi Arabia, Jordan to Israel/Palestine (stay 15...
From Doha to Berlin 2016 Part 3
from, the eastern one via Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey to Europe or the western one via Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel/Palestine and from there by ship to Italy. The selected itinerary ran from Qatar via Saudi Arabia, Jordan to Israel/Palestine (stay 15...
Hisham Palace in Khirbat al-Mafjar
of the area, which had been given by the UN partition plan in 1947 to the Palestinians: i.e. 49% of what was originally Palestine (until 1946), while 51% was intended for the emerging state of Israel.
favourable conditions via the cart. Strong fields are Islamic Architecture of the Near East (esp. Turkey, Syria, Israel/ Palestine, Yemen, Iran) as well as the Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia) and Central Asia (Uzbeskistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan,...
Bedouins / Palestinians painting a picture of the Pope on a house wall. The Jabal Al-Baba (Pope's Hill) near Al 'Eizariya (Bethany) was given by the Jordanian King Hussein (1935-1999) to Pope Paul VI. during his visit to the “Holy Land” in 1964.
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016
Palestine Territories, Palace of Hisham (8th centruy, Umayyad period); Photo: Nov. 2016